Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sombre Memories Reloaded : Tribute to my late Father This Pujo

 "You will always be in my heart… because in there you’re still alive."

We are in mourning, and whether I call him Papa, DasBabu, or Doctor Saab, he will forever hold a special place in our hearts. May he find peace wherever he may be. My father used to be super excited during the Pujos. Be it in Dehradun or here.

Father loved his newspapers, until

This is my first Pujo without my father, who left us last November. I remember taking him to our neighborhood Pujo last year, and during Ashtami, I had the chance to take him to Habra, his birthplace. Those memories, from September and October, now feel like cherished fragments of time. May god give strength to our mother and let she be our guiding light, for the remainder of our lives. 

Got him wear the VPCL shirt got as a souvenir 

Ma, BaBa

Winter Chilling

Focussed always

He went to see, my first job in Kalyani, post Covid, always his hand on my shoulders

Most loved person

I took him to show the para (neighborhood) pujo and during the ashtami, was able to take him to Habra (his birth-place). 

Next month, I will be visiting Haridwar and Rishikesh—two of his favorite places—to perform the final rituals. Joy will be joining us from Chicago, and I hope this gathering brings some solace as we honor his memory together.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Niched Blue Sky And Water

 Sharing something after sometime. Thought (again) of re-reviving my decade old plus blog. There is one common connect in these pictures from the vault. Each place has a story and learnings. Want me to get niched???

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

To Baba - A Heartfelt Tribute - 1955 - 2023

In the quiet corners of our hearts, the echoes of a simple yet profound man linger. My father last month expired, due to a rare disease Alzheimer's. A wonderful person, a simple and down-to-earth human being.  Mr Paresh Chandra Das was fondly called DasBabu or Doctor Saheb (in Dehradun) and led a life as simple as a sunbeam, devoid of any ostentatious display, in fact, he detested any flashy lifestyle. Down-To-Earth, yet above all, the rock-star father was a true hero in all senses. Served the central government services for over 35 years before voluntarily retiring in the early 2000s.  

Many years ago, I asked him the perrenial existentialist question,  "Baba where is my home? What is my home? Where do I belong to? I was born in West Bengal, Grew up in Dehradun (spent 22 years), Adult Working life in Delhi (13 years), Working Abroad in Fiji (3 years) and now living in Working in Bengal (last 4 years). 

"Son," his voice, still echoing rumbled, "where you find your daily bread, where you find shelter, and where you find the company that shapes your path – that, is your home. Be honest, be dedicated, let truth be your guiding light, and the rest of the world is yours. You are a global citizen, remember that. Always work honestly, with 100 per cent dedication. Never cheat anyone."

I promise baba, your lessons imparted will forever resonate in my life. Will try to lead the way you looked at life as, simple(r) living.

To all those who have been part of my life during this challenging period, I extend my heartfelt gratitude as we transition into a new life. 

Om Shanti, Om Shanti

From All of us at Das Bari 

Palash, Chandan, Ma, Pori and Arpita

Saturday, March 11, 2023

My Puneet Sankalp - fight plastics

Let's continue to fight against plastics. A small contribution and a mini step towards protecting the environment and combating plastic pollution! Commitment to preserve our planet. Let's refuse single-use plastic products, opt for alternatives, proper disposable options of plastic waste

पुनीत संकल्प


शपथ पढ़िये | Read Pledge

The Puneet Sankalp Pledge

I will preserve and protect the beaches, riverfronts and lakes around me and keep them Puneet (Clean), Pristine and Free of Plastic Waste. To combat plastic pollution, I pledge to incorporate following 10 action points in my daily life.

I shall refuse single use plastic products like plastic bags, tea cups, bottles, cutlery and straws.

I shall opt for alternative to plastics like using reusable steel water bottle instead of plastic water bottle.

I shall not litter the environment by throwing plastic items.

I shall segregate my plastic waste at home and ensure its proper disposal through local municipal authorities.

I shall volunteer for cleanliness drive and encourage my friends to do

I shall reduce my plastic footprint during shopping by using reusable and Eco friendly cloth bags.

I shall endeavour to give 'Green Gifts' like Cloth Bags, Steel Bottles,Recycled Plastic Shirts etc. to spread the word about environment friendly items.

I shall comply with the mantra of 3R's i.e. to reduce, reuse and recycle the plastic items.

I shall share my scientific knowle

dge on plastics and its ill effects with my parents, relatives and friends to make them aware of plastic pollution.

I shall lead by my personal example and motivate others to act on the Puneet Sankalp in their daily lives.

मैंने प्रतिज्ञा ली | I Pledge


नागरिक | Citizen

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Hindustan Ambassador - Birla Owned Company HM and French Company Renault To Revive The Icon In West Bengal

Where 90% of all startups are unable to make it to the top, it is extremely disheartening where once established brands and company, now defunct are left for real estate developers. In all probabilities, the most loved ‘King of the Roads’ the Ambassador car might get a new electrifying Sedan look in

collaboration with French giant Renault starting 2022 onwards. Till then it was merely speculation. Initially, I personally thought the VoksWagen might assist in getting the Beetle design up. Well, the post revealed that the new model will be developed at Hindustan Motors plant in Chennai. ABP reports, that the brand name rights have been sold to the company at a price of Rs. 80 Crore

In a post on LinkedIn shared by Mr.Vedant Birla revealed the European major. 

The iconic car - Ambassador likely to make a comeback in a new avatar

- New model will be developed from its #HindustanMotors plant in #Chennai

- #French based #Peugeot is collaborated with HM for the design and engine for the 'Amby'

For those who grew up in the pre-millennium era, the Ambassador was more than a great car, it was part of the family.

Good to see the revival of this iconic brand!

Little known fact is that this was a Birla car… HM belonged to my uncle Mr. CK #Birla!

Excerpts via :- #HarshGoenka

The ambassador car, once a favourite among bureaucrats and politicians the Hindustan Ambassador was

made by the Hindustan Motors of India. The last Ambassador production was done in 2014 in West Bengal and it began the production in the year 1958. The iconic car’s design is supposedly designed on Morris Oxford series III model, and it was created by Morris Motors Limited, Cowley, Oxford - United Kingdom from 1956 to 1959. The Ambassador is an Indian car despite its origins in Britain. Although the facility near Uttarpara plant near Kolkata, West Bengal is still somewhat functional, it is likely that the new car will be built at the Chennai facility, where once Mitsubishi cars were being manufactured. I am personally very happy for this revival. I sincerely hope and request the West Bengal state government, the state government and all the unicorns of the world to infuse fresh reviving ideas on brands. Examples are Jessop Motors, HMV, The Bengal Immunity Ltd, PPCL and many more.  

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Privacy - The New Apple Ad

 In my LinkedIn and Facebook feed from the last week, a lot has been talked about the new Apple Ad -  and privacy around its users. The new ad talks about a young woman – ELLIE and she discovers that her personal data (read mobile activities) is being auctioned before a rapt audience, eager to know the ‘value’ of a particular data (an Apple phone user). 

Watch the Ad here

The data which is being talked about (something advertisers harp upon) are her iPhone's browsing history, emails, location data, contacts, purchase history, medical history, and more. At one shot Ellie realizes that all the personal information is being sold. After realizing this, she presses the Mail Privacy Protection + the App Tracking Transparency and at that point, all the members' auctioneer and bidders vanish into thin air, one by one.

Apple early this year launched a fresh privacy protection update. With this launch of the iPhone’s new policy, the App Tracking Transparency (ATT) Facebook is set to lose approximately $12.8 billion, according to a report published on Forbes. So, how important is privacy? In an increasingly digital world, where anyone can track and learn about anything, does privacy really is a concern? An innocuous check-in at a restaurant or a place can be concocted by the hottest job of the century by zillions of data managers combined with social scientists. Have collated some of the top definitions of privacy mentioned below. 

Accordingly to IAPP 

What does privacy mean?

Well, it depends on who you ask. Broadly speaking, privacy is the right to be let alone, or freedom from interference or intrusion. Information privacy is the right to have some control over how your personal information is collected and used. Ask most people these days what they think of when it comes to privacy and you’re likely to have a conversation about massive data breaches, wearable tech, social networking, targeted advertising miscues—not to mention the Snowden revelations.  Add to that, various cultures have widely differing views on what a person’s rights are when it comes to privacy and how it should be regulated.

As per the Privacy international, the following details are mentioned below as far as the definition of privacy is concerned.

What is privacy?

Privacy is a fundamental right, essential to autonomy and the protection of human dignity, serving as the foundation upon which many other human rights are built. Privacy enables us to create barriers and manage boundaries to protect ourselves from unwarranted interference in our lives, which allows us to negotiate who we are and how we want to interact with the world around us. Privacy helps us establish boundaries to limit who has access to our bodies, places and things, as well as our communications and our information. The rules that protect privacy give us the ability to assert our rights in the face of significant power imbalances. As a result, privacy is an essential way we seek to protect ourselves and society against arbitrary and unjustified use of power, by reducing what can be known about us and done to us, while protecting us from others who may wish to exert control. Privacy is essential to who we are as human beings, and we make decisions about it every single day. It gives us a space to be ourselves without judgment, allows us to think freely without discrimination, and is an important element of giving us control over who knows what about us.

The Dictionary of Cambridge someone's right to keep their personal matters and relationships secret:

As per the Harvard Business Review's privacy policy  What Was Privacy? by Lew McCreary (October 2008)- Why is that question in the past tense? Because individuals can no longer feel confident that the details of their lives—from identifying numbers to cultural preferences—will be treated with discretion rather than exploited. Even as Facebook users happily share the names of their favorite books, movies, songs, and brands, they often regard marketers’ use of that information as an invasion of privacy. In this wide-ranging essay, McCreary, a senior editor at HBR, examines numerous facets of the privacy issue, from Google searches, public shaming on the internet, and cell phone etiquette to passenger screening devices, public surveillance cameras, and corporate chief privacy officers. He notes that IBM has been a leader on privacy; its policy forswearing the use of employees’ genetic information in hiring and benefits decisions predated the federal Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act by three years. Now IBM is involved in an open-source project known as Higgins to provide users with transportable, potentially anonymous online presences. Craigslist, whose CEO calls it “as close to 100% user driven as you can get,” has taken an extremely conservative position on privacy—perhaps easier for a company with a declared lack of interest in maximizing revenue. But TJX and other corporate victims of security breaches have discovered that retaining consumers’ transaction information can be both costly and risky. Companies that underestimate the importance of privacy to their customers or fail to protect it may eventually face harsh regulation, reputational damage, or both. The best thing they can do, says the author, is negotiate directly with those customers over where to draw the line.

As per Stanford University  The term “privacy” is used frequently in ordinary language as well as in philosophical, political and legal discussions, yet there is no single definition or analysis or meaning of the term. The concept of privacy has broad historical roots in sociological and anthropological discussions about how extensively it is valued and preserved in various cultures. Moreover, the concept has historical origins in well known philosophical discussions, most notably Aristotle’s distinction between the public sphere of political activity and the private sphere associated with family and domestic life. Yet historical use of the term is not uniform, and there remains confusion over the meaning, value and scope of the concept of privacy. Early treatises on privacy appeared with the development of privacy protection in American law from the 1890s onward, and privacy protection was justified largely on moral grounds. This literature helps distinguish descriptive accounts of privacy, describing what is in fact protected as private, from normative accounts of privacy defending its value and the extent to which it should be protected. In these discussions some treat privacy as an interest with moral value, while others refer to it as a moral or legal right that ought to be protected by society or the law. Clearly one can be insensitive to another’s privacy interests without violating any right to privacy, if there is one.

The Santa Clara university   

What is Privacy? Michael McFarland, SJ - Privacy has many meanings. The most general is freedom from interference or intrusion, the right "to be let alone," a formulation cited by Louis Brandeis and Samuel Warren in their groundbreaking 1890 paper on privacy. 1 This recognizes that each person has a sphere of existence and activity that properly belongs to that individual alone, where he or she should be free of constraint, coercion, and even uninvited observation. As we would say today, each of us needs our own "space." Most would recognize the protected sphere to include personal opinions, personal communications, and how one behaves behind closed doors, at least as long as these do not lead to any significant threats to society. Many would also include behavior within the family and other intimate relationships in that sphere.

Pic Source - iPhone screengrab

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Rick-Show by Alliance française du Bengale Cinema on wheels brings mobile cinema for public spaces in Calcutta

 Le Gentil Garçon (aka The Nice Guy) is a multidisciplinary artist whose practice mixes sculpture, drawing, video, performances, and installations. He has had an artistic practice since 1998. His work is shown internationally and since 2006, he has also been chosen several times to design artworks for public art commissions. In 2020, he showcased his artworks under the title ‘Stories Bloom’ in Trivandrum and ‘Anima’ in Kochi in collaboration with Alliance Française de Trivandrum and Kochi Biennale Foundation. Using the traditional practice of Kamishibai, visual and participatory storytelling titled ‘Chronicle of the Past World’ was also presented by the artist in Kerala.

The Rick-show project was developed by Le Gentil Garçon during a residency in Kerala in 2020. It consists of a mobile cinema that fits within a box transported on an auto-rickshaw. When it is unfolded, all the elements necessary for the screening and mediation, as well as public seating, “pop up.” The idea of this project is to bring art to the streets and to those who may not otherwise have access to it. Art videos and films from the Fonds d’art contemporain de la Ville de Genève and Fonds régional d’art contemporain Occitanie-Montpellier will be screened for the audience. The Rick-Show project has been developed in partnership with the Department of Design of College of Architecture Trivandrum (CAT).

When the Rick-Show unfolds, the world of cinema pops up. Why Rick-Show? Because it brings cinema to people on an everyday object – an auto-rickshaw. This artwork creates moments of conviviality after the long months of pandemics without cinema. Within the heart of the project, there is the desire to showcase contemporary art films to communities that have little access to artworks in India (remote regions, underprivileged communities, etc.). There is also the idea of reaching out to a wider audience in the public space through a permanent – but mobile – artwork capable of touching the heart of Indians both through its medium and its contents. 

Nicolas FACINO (Director) adds, "Within the framework of  bilateral relations between India and France, Alliance française du Bengale in Kolkata since 1940 has been the pioneer  in sharing and establishing a bond through the common expression of Indo-French linguistic, literary and cultural confluence in the great-eastern region of India. Alliance française du Bengale, affiliated to the international network of Alliance françaises in the world and recognized by the Embassy of France in India is the only official French language training, DELF-DALF and TCF examination, translation and cultural institute in this region. AfdB is also well-known as a space for documentation of French books, magazines, journals, music CDS and film DVDs to help you with in enhancing your horizon in the language. The institute as a non-profit organization is driven by a Council of Administration, consisting of twelve local personalities, having, nonetheless, a close administrative link with France and is managed by one expatriate staff member, the Director nominated by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ambassador of France in India is an ex-officio member of the Council of Administration of the Alliance française du Bengale and traditionally delegates the Consul General of France in Kolkata to represent him. This year in 2020 we are celebrating 80 years of AfdB’s existence in the Cultural Capital of India and this long history,   as well as the upcoming days, is a story that we are writing together with the Embassy of France in India, with the Consulate General of France in Kolkata, and with 13 other Alliance françaises in the country. With an excellent team of expert Franco-Indian teachers along with a group of creative and efficient employees, we constantly aim to provide the best possible French language learning experience to our clients. On the other hand, exclusively authorized by the Embassy of France in India AfdB is the only official one-stop solution for quality French translation and interpretation service in West-Bengal and in Eastern region of the country. With a long, rich history of cultural exchange Alliance française du Bengale continues to be the premier platform for cultural and artistic action specifically including French, Francophone and Indian artists who have, or whose work has, some French connection and remain within the French or Indo-French cultural context.

Witness mobile cinema on a rickshaw that fits within a box. Explore five thematic shows from renowned art film collections offered to the general public and art lovers. Alliance française du Bengale, the official French learning and cultural centre in India, is offering Rick-Show, a mobile cinema for public spaces by Le Gentil Garçon aka The Nice Guy at Park Mansions in Park Street, the iconic food and nightlife hub of Kolkata. From 6:30 pm onwards between Apr 29 and May 1, cinema can be experienced on wheels using the concept of mobile cinema that can be transported in a rickshaw, as part of the 4th edition of Bonjour India Festival. A moment for furthering people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, in its fourth edition in 2022, Bonjour India celebrates 75 years of India’s Independence and 75 years of the establishment of Indo-French diplomatic relations, a milestone moment in any nation’s history. Besides projects narrating the shared history of the two countries, through photography, science, and letters, Bonjour India will also be an opportunity to ring in some positive vibes, build communities, foster social interaction, and create opportunities for diversity, joy, and amity after a long time since the pandemic overtook the world.  


Will Take 13 More years to Revive Indian Economy Losses due to Covid19 Pandemic - RBI

The Reserve Bank of India has released the Report on Currency and Finance (RCF) for the year 2021-22 today. The theme of the Report is “Revive and Reconstruct” in the context of nurturing a durable recovery post-COVID and raising trend growth in the medium-term. The Report reflects the views of the contributors and not of the Reserve Bank.

The precondition of the RBI's "Revive & Reconstruct" Report is based on Price Stability A Pre-Condition For Growth. 


  • The blueprint of reforms proposed in the Report revolves around seven wheels of economic progress viz., aggregate demand; aggregate supply; institutions, intermediaries and markets; macroeconomic stability and policy coordination; productivity and technological progress; structural change; and sustainability.
  • A feasible range for medium-term steady state GDP growth in India works out to 6.5 – 8.5 per cent, consistent with the blueprint of reforms.
  • Timely rebalancing of monetary and fiscal policies will likely be the first step in this journey.
  • Price stability is a necessary precondition for strong and sustainable growth.
  • Reducing general government debt to below 66 per cent of GDP over the next five years is important to secure India’s medium-term growth prospects.
  • Suggested structural reforms include enhancing access to litigation free low-cost land; raising the quality of labour through public expenditure on education and health and the Skill India Mission; scaling up R&D activities with an emphasis on innovation and technology; creating an enabling environment for start-ups and unicorns; rationalisation of subsidies that promote inefficiencies; and encouraging urban agglomerations by improving the housing and physical infrastructure.
  • Industrial revolution 4.0 and committed transition to a net-zero emission target warrant a policy ecosystem that facilitates provision of adequate access to risk capital and a globally competitive environment for doing business.
  • India’s ongoing and future free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations may focus on transfer of technology and better trade terms for high quality imports from partner countries to improve the outlook for exports and domestic manufacturing.

A more detailed report is available here

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

My first Vlog - Electronic City


Its 26th April. Thought of starting my first Vlog today and sharing with you all. This is a part of the electronic city, Kolkata Sector-V, Shot recently.

 It's been over ten years started this platform, renamed multiple times. It started with 'The Rookies" blog and changed over a multiple times.  Thanks for some of the comforting messages.

Some folk ask why this only blog doesn't really say anything about digital. I write whatever I see and observe not necessarily from a marketing standpoint. 

What's In Prashant Kishore's 600 Slide Presentation, plan and report?

Consultant  Mr. Prashant Kishore humbly declined 'membership' of the INC - Indian National Congress today. Widely reported that a 600 pager. PPT PowerPoint was presented spliced in multiple meetings, Hindi Express India report.
 Pic source ndtv

My question is what happens to that "Report", the content? It's basically a plan and am sure not a 1 man job. 

Presuming that coming from PK, the consultant, the matter is rich with insights. Way forward, backed with relevant data. 
Humongous amount of time, efforts and hours if not days or months must have gotten in creating, which essentially is a 'pitch', to bring confidence at first go. 

India Today reported that "no one has seen the complete report." Are there idea or brainstorming  copyrights over lunch or breakfasts? Intellectual Property of ideas, defined maybe KPIs backed by years of I-PAC's proven credibility. 

Now the offer has been declined, what happens to that 'report'? Who owns it? In what capacity the strategic outsights, which am sure are practical and implementable, will be laid nationally? Now that PK reportedly not joining Indias oldest party Congress. 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

The Future Digital Trends

Facebook is now Metaverse or Metaverse was Facebook, we are heading towards a more digitized system complete with AI. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta backed by its financial arm Meta Financial Technologies has already laid down plan to get into the crypto business despite its initial failure. As reports of launching virtual coins, tokens and lending services to its apps, as Facebook’s parent company aggressively pursues its finance ambitions. This is in view of falling popularity of its main products Facebook and Instagram. Collectively it’s an $118bn-a-year ad-based business model. Apparently the new currency from FB's stable is called “Zuck Bucks”. 

The following are the expected changes in years to come

Agility: 65% of marketing organization leaders As companies move from one moment of uncertainty rate their speed of acting on insights as ‘strong/ very strong’, versus just 22% of mainstream and 5% of laggard organizations. 

Photograph: Susan Walsh/AP

• Experimentation: 61% of marketing organization leaders rate their ability to build experiments to test in the field as ‘strong/very strong’, in contrast with just 21% of mainstream and 5% of  laggard organizations. 

Personalization: 85% of marketing organizations consider themselves ‘effective/highly effective’ when it comes to using first-party data to personalize the customer experience, versus 66% of mainstream and 22% of laggard organizations.

  • A GroupM report says that with a 45% share, digital will overtake TV as the largest advertising medium in 2022.
  • The AdEx in India is expected to cross Rs. 1 lakh crore in 2022.
  • According to an IAMAI and Kantar Research, the number of Internet users in India is set to touch 900 million by 2025, growing at a 45% CAGR post-pandemic.
  • Digital adoption in rural parts of India grew 13%, clocking 299 million Internet users in 2020, which is 31% of India’s rural population.
  • By 2025, there would be a greater number of Internet users in rural India than in urban India.

A surge in digital ad spending was predicted to be led by three factors

i. Voice-based search,

ii. Vernacular and video-based content, and

iii. Ads on digital media, led by social media followed by search (25%), display (21%), and video (20%).

The following statistics make it more evident:

  1. Facebook Messenger has roughly 1.3 billion monthly active users
  2. On Facebook Messenger, about 10 billion messages are sent each month between consumers and companies
  3. Every day, 55 billion messages are transmitted on WhatsApp Messenger, which has over 2 billion active users, out of which India accounts for nearly 500 million users.

In a March- 2022 report, Gartner expects these 12 technology trends mentioned below as a multiplier of forces towards digital businessess and expound major innovation in the next 2-5 years. 

  • Trend 1: Data Fabric
  • Trend 2: Cybersecurity Mesh
  • Trend 3: Privacy-Enhancing Computation 
  • Trend 4: Cloud-Native Platforms
  • Trend 5: Composable Applications
  • Trend 6: Decision Intelligence 
  • Trend 7: Hyperautomation
  • Trend 8: AI Engineering
  • Trend 9: Distributed Enterprises
  • Trend 10: Total Experience
  • Trend 11: Autonomic Systems
  • Trend 12: Generative AI

Quite recently, was reading an article where technologists at Accenture unveiled their Tech Vision 2022 called “metaverse continuum”. That was a broad overview that lays out how they believe future businesses with operate and communicate with each other in near future. 
  • Accelerating digital for customers
  • Earning customer trust
  • Unlocking new levels of agility
  • Upping collaboration between IT and marketing leaders
  • Customizing the experience for one while still reaching millions


Pic Source - Adobe

Sombre Memories Reloaded : Tribute to my late Father This Pujo

 "You will always be in my heart… because in there you’re still alive." We are in mourning, and whether I call him Papa, DasBabu, ...