Today when I logged in saw an interactive Google doodle to
my surprise. The page celebrated 216
th anniversary of the first parachute jump. French
aeronaut André-Jacques Garnerin, on October 22, 1797 was the first person to conduct
a parachute jump. The Frenchman’s near historic jump was conducted from a
height of 3,200 feet (1,000 metres). Again five years later Mr. André-Jacques
Garnerin jumped from a height of 8,000 feet (2,440 metres). Silk parachutes
were used over two centuries ago.
About Garnerin-Born on January 31, 1769
Education- studied physics and became an inspector in the
French army in 1793.
Death- August 18, 1823.
1000 B.C.E.-Kite is invented in China.
852 B.C.E.-English King Bladud is apparently killed attempting to fly.
400 B.C.E.-Archytas of Tarentum is reported to have made a steam-propelled pigeon.

1250 A.D. -Roger Bacon, English cleric, writes about mechanical flight.
1485-1500 -Leonardo da Vinci designs flying machines and parachute.
1670 -Francesco de Lana Terzi publishes a design for lighter-than-air ship.
1680 -Giovanni Borelli, Italian mathematician, concludes human muscle is inadequate for flight.
1709 -Bartolomeu Laurenço de Gusmao designs model glider.
1783 -Jacques Alexandre César Charles and M.N. Robert fly in a hydrogen balloon.
1785-Jean-Pierre Blanchard and John Jeffries cross the English Channel by balloon.
1785 -Jean François de Rozier and Pierre Romain are the first ballooning fatalities.
1797 -André Jacques Garnerin makes the first human parachute descent, from a balloon.
1809-George Cayley publishes classic treatise on aviation.
1843 -William Henson's design for aerial steam carriage is published.
1843 -George Cayley's biplane design is published.
1852-Henri Giffard's steam-powered airship makes first flight.
1867 -Wilbur Wright is born.
1870- Alphonse Pénaud experiments with twisted rubber to power model helicopter.
1871 -Orville Wright is born.
1889 -Otto Lilienthal publishes Der Vogelflug als Grundlage der Fliegekunst.
1891 -Otto Lilienthal begins successful gliding experiments.
1895- Otto Lilienthal flies biplane gliders.
1896 -Octave Chanute begins biplane gliding experiments in Michigan.
1896- Samuel P. Langley produces successful steam-powered models that fly.
1896- Otto Lilienthal crashes while gliding and dies next day.
1901 -Alberto Santos-Dumont, Brazilian aviator, circles Eiffel Tower in airship.
1903 -Samuel Langley's full-size manned "Aerodrome A" crashes on take-off.
1903- Orville and Wilbur Wright make first powered, sustained, and controlled flight in a heavier-than-air flying machine.
1906 - Alberto Santos-Dumont makes first successful powered flight in Europe.
1909 - Louis Bleriot, French aviator, makes first airplane crossing of English Channel.
1926 -Robert H. Goddard makes first free flight of a liquid-fueled rocket.
1927 -Charles A. Lindbergh completes first solo, nonstop trans-Atlantic flight.
1930- Frank Whittle, British inventor, invents the jet engine.
1932 -Amelia Earhart is the first woman to fly a solo non-stop trans-Atlantic flight.
1933 -A modern airliner, Boeing 247, flies for the first time.
1939 -Germany's Heinkel 178 is the first fully jet-propelled aircraft to fly.
1947 -Charles E. Yeager pilots Bell X-1--the first aircraft to exceed the speed of sound in level flight.
1957 -Soviet Union launches first man-made earth satellite, Sputnik 1.
1961 -Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, is the first man in space.
1962- John H. Glenn, Jr., is the first American to orbit the earth.
1969 -U.S. astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., are the first to walk on the moon.
1971- First space station, Soviet Salyut 1, is launched into earth's orbit.
1981- U.S. launches the first reusable spacecraft, the Columbia shuttle.
1998- First two modules of the International Space Station are launched and joined together in orbit.