Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Year end thoughts 2022 and Beyond

 Why, 2022 is going to be the MOST  important year for everyone. 

EVERYONE means anyone. Why?

There could a billion reasons why, next year, the next week would be different. 03012022, is the next week. The letter 2 appears thrice and such a numeric figure is not going to occur in a long time. 

We've learnt our lessons, still learning the hard way starting 2020, we have crossed 2021 and heralding into 2022. 

As they say, FUEL the Fight and Drink Coffee....

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

December - 2021 Farewell - welcome 2022

 We've entered the last month of a painful 2021. We all have lost someone or the other,  in some or the other way, if not us directly, then indirectly. 

Like they say, we didn't happen to life, life happened to us. The school of our own thoughts has been schooling us in rather weird ways. They say, there are unknown parachutes (in form of friends, acquaintances, colleagues, family or maybe someone you never knew). Visible and invisible guides, mentors, silent observers, people from past and future leaders. I thank you all, from my deepest.

Words, ranging from CPs, "bhai we need fighters, not managers.", to SPSatish s "mere paas time aur paisa nahi hai, aage bolo.", RAs day 1 advice "free to do everything but always follow the CYA rule, "COVER YOUR A.r.E", NPS, proclaims, and no doubt he's darn right, "bro! opportunity comes at odd times, and wearing dirty clothes. To latest SKGs word of wisdom "samjho tumhe kuch nahi pata, and then look into things (imagine you know nothing, and then look into things. You learn something from it.). True, Albert Einstein said once 'The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.' Fits the bill. These are known, and thanks, we've somehow got selective memories programmed in our system. Thank you all. My family and wellwishers. Let's hope the last month of this year ends on a super good note, and we welcome 2022 in a gracious way. 

Ending with Seth Godin's quote "The Cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing." So let's just do it.

Sombre Memories Reloaded : Tribute to my late Father This Pujo

 "You will always be in my heart… because in there you’re still alive." We are in mourning, and whether I call him Papa, DasBabu, ...