Thursday, August 15, 2019

Independence Day - Your idea of Freedom (From Fiji)

Happy 73rd Independence day to all of you. This morning, 15th August messages started flowing in, hugs from fellow Indians, mubarak ho.

Outside the residence in Suva
Patriotism flows high, but why just for a day and what exactly Independence day means to us anyway? I like the idea of freedom and believe every single person in the world should be and must be free to do, say anything. In reality, it may or may not happen.

For me, driving a bike and cruising around gives me the ultimate kick. This picture taken this morning of 15th August- 2019 in Suva, the capital city of Fiji.

To Baba - A Heartfelt Tribute - 1955 - 2023

In the quiet corners of our hearts, the echoes of a simple yet profound man linger. My father last month expired, due to a rare disease Alzh...