“Doing what’s meaningful — acting on what really matters to a person — is the antidote to burnout.” Added Mr. Daniel Goleman, a psychologist, former New York Times columnist and author of the highly influential book “Emotional Intelligence.” He suggests, “Face what’s happening. What does it mean to me? What really matters to me now? Is there a way I can act upon what’s meaningful to me?”
As per a UNICEF report in 2020, over 1 billion children were at risk of falling behind due to school closures aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19. Now that schools and colleges are reopening slowly, we wanted to explore, as in to what extend children have been affected. It is unprecedented to look at how kids are dealing with this pandemic. Across the world, education institutes and schools have been implementing remote education programmes. The report reads “Many of the world’s children – particularly those in poorer households – do not have internet access, personal computers, TVs or even radio at home, amplifying the effects of existing learning inequalities. Students lacking access to the technologies needed for home-based learning have limited means to continue their education. As a result, many face the risk of never returning to school, undoing years of progress made in education around the world.”

They say, nothing is temporary, now that #Covid19 situation is passing and students are getting back to their grind. Staying indoors and social distancing orders are extended across India, forced lockdowns implemented, schools, colleges and educational institutes are closed, as we write indefinitely is becoming the new norm.
We are sure, that your life has turned upside down, has been tumultuous and turbulent filled months. We are also sure; things might appear to be out of control. However, this is the time to regain control, and the solution for the same is to handle this situation on your own, right now.
What did the report say?
• While more than 90 per cent of the countries adopted digital and/or broadcast remote learning policies, only 60 per cent did so for pre-primary education.
• Policy measures taken by the governments to ensure learning continuity through broadcast or digital media allowed for potentially reaching 69 per cent of schoolchildren (at maximum) in pre-primary to secondary education globally.
• 31 per cent of schoolchildren worldwide (463 million) cannot be reached by the broadcast- and Internet-based remote learning policies either due to the lack of necessary technological assets at home, or because they were not targeted by the adopted policies.
• Online platforms were the most used means by the governments to deliver education while schools remain closed, with 83 per cent of countries using this method. However, this allowed for potentially reaching only about a quarter of schoolchildren worldwide.
• Television had the potential to reach the most students (62 per cent) globally.
• Only 16 per cent of schoolchildren could be reached by radio-based learning worldwide.
• Globally, 3 out of 4 students who cannot be reached by the remote learning policies come from rural areas and/or belong to the poorest households.
How To Keep Yourself Motivated In Pandemic Times?
Many students who are realising this fact that working from home, learning remotely and keeping social distance is going to be the ‘New Normal’, for some time at-least. Few tips, mentioned below can additionally help in finding what’s best for you.
Talk to Academic Counsellors - Students can identify and talk to expert counsellors with practical education experience and successfully handling critical situation might be another option for you. The anxiety around the next year’s exams (board HS and competitive), in pandemic times, can be excruciatingly overwhelming.
Top Tips
• Stay organized
• Do not multitask
• Making the most of the time
• Set a schedule
• Create new study strategies
• Picking/Creating a team or a group
• Stay connected
Place to Study- Ask yourself, what kind of environment will help you study better. You can recreate the likeable environment at your own home. Do you like to hear a little music to recreate a café experience or you prefer a bright spot, Or is it the chair, your bed or the couch which will motivate you? Do, whatever makes you feel comfortable. Have a virtual or a phone-based study session with your chosen group. Make a fixed place for home assignments and practical tests. In that way, your mind will precisely know that this place is sacred and it will invariably help you focus, and work quickly.
Staying Organized- Just because you do not have to go to school, should not mean, that we stop organizing our things. It helps and helps you create things easily and importantly faster. Your assignments and information related to your mock tests; weekly tests organize as per subjects. If possible, create a notebook, folder or binder neatly. You can trash out unwanted things. Just offload them. Set and organize a time and take the help of a plan that will help you keep track of assignments of important subjects. In fact, it would be a good idea to keep a due date for all the assignments and when you have the pre-board exams or internal tests.
Set small daily goals – Make small goals and try to achieve them. Once, you achieve them and cross them off, motivation levels will move up by an inch. Small feats every day will add up significantly.
Get Dressed-Staying all day in knickers and pyjamas is comfortable, however, getting dressed can instantly shift your mindset and kick in positivity.
Socialise- Apart from studies, make time for yourself, family and friends. We all know, that social distance is the hardest part for many students, something, that’s unprecedented. Many kids, don’t even know how to react, however just because the times are taxing, doesn’t mean we say Bye-bye to social life. Technology can come as an aid to this social vacuum. How about a digital get-together, or a Zoom Happy Friday evening, maybe a Skype call or a virtual music session, a virtual Yoga, Facetime your friend. That’s the good news, that we all can stay connected, so, why don’t you plan a time for hanging out.
Do What You Have to Do- You will still do, what you have to do, so why not doing it well. Play the song you love, light a candle, treat yourself with chocolate, prepare yourself a tea or a coffee. Be a mentor buddy for someone or ask your best friend to be your study buddy. Make that video call to your close friend and ask how he/she is doing. Walk a little and breathe. Deep breathing can do wonders. Help someone (even a stranger) with no expectations. That humble act will give you happiness. Find a new hobby or continue your old one, but keep yourself engaged.
Your Mental Health is a Priority- We understand, that keeping yourself motivated in trying times like these can be very challenging. Taking care of yourself and managing your mental state is of paramount importance. Have a balanced meal, have lots of water, try meditation, and please have at least eight hours of sleep for your brains to take rest.
Please remember, and do not forget, this too shall pass. Till then, let’s take a deep breath, give our best, get some rest, wash our hands and continue to wear a mask.
Pic Source - https://www.brookings.edu, apa.sdg4education2030.or